Municipal Ethics

Act 171 (H.875) of 2024 established a statewide municipal code of ethics (24 V.S.A., ch. 60) and requires municipalities to investigate and record ethics complaints. The Act also set minimum statewide ethics standards while allowing municipalities to adopt supplemental (or maintain existing) ethics policies that do not conflict with the statewide code. Municipalities are also required to develop individualized policies and procedures related to complaint investigation and tracking. To that end, Pomfret adopted a Code of Ethics Investigation and Enforcement Ordinance. For more information, see this Quick Summary of Act 171 prepared by the State Ethics Commission.

Open Meeting Law

Vermont's Open Meeting Law (1 V.S.A. § 310 et seq.) provides that all meetings of public bodies be open to the public at all times, with limited exceptions. Every municipal board, council, commission and committees (legally defined as “public bodies”) of a municipality is required to comply with the Open Meeting Law when a quorum is present and discussing a subject over which the body has authority or responsibility.

Public Records Act

Vermont's Public Records Act (1 V.S.A. § 315 et seq.) provides for open examination of state and municipal government records. The Act requires public agencies to make public records available for inspection and copying upon request, unless a specific statute exempts a record, or part of a record, from disclosure. The law sets forth the timeframe and procedures for complying with a public records request, and it authorizes any aggrieved person to challenge the denial of a records request in court.

Pomfret has adopted a Public Records Inspection, Copying and Transmission Policy to guide town officials in responding to public records request. Pomfret has also adopted a Schedule of Charges that will be charged and collected for making copies of public records. For more information, click here for related resources prepared by the Secretary of State.