Town Clerk

Becky Fielder
Phone: (802) 457-3861
Fax: (802) 457-8180

Assistant Town Clerk
Sally Weglarz

Office Location and Mailing Address:
5218 Pomfret Road
North Pomfret, VT  05053

Office Hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:30am-2:30pm  *NOTICE* All land records searches will be conducted by appointment only - no walk-ins.  Please call or email if you need assistance!  Pomfret's land records are available online at - printing fees apply.


The Town Offices are closed on all state and federal holidays.



The Town Clerk’s office, located in the old Pomfret Center School, is a hub of town activity. Not only does the Town Clerk run Pomfret’s elections; this is where you go if you want to look at town records (land, birth, death, marriage, you name it), ask a question about local taxes, license your dog, purchase dump coupons, rent the Town Hall, or perform any number of other pertinent functions of community life. Many meeting notices are also posted at this office.

Vermont law entrusts the Town Clerk with an extraordinary list of duties, ranging from recording, preserving and certifying public documents to administering oaths of office, working with the listers on tax appeals, presiding over the local elections, issuing marriage licenses, and licensing animals. Town Clerks are also ex-officio notaries public (for town residents only) and record all proceedings of town meetings.

The Town Clerk is elected at Town Meeting for a one-year term. Pomfret also has an Assistant Town Clerk, appointed by the Town Clerk. The Town Clerk is an independent official, responsible to the voters.

Land Records

All land and vital records are stored in the town vault. Copies may be made in our office, fees will apply.  FEES

The Town of Pomfret's land records are now available online! The records are free to view, but can be downloaded and printed for a small per page fee.  Records can still be obtained in person by making a research appointment at the Town Office.

Items for recording can be dropped off in the Town Clerk's office during regular business hours or mailed to us at the address above.  The fee for recording documents in the Town Land Records is $15 per page.  Surveys (mylar) can be recorded at a cost of $25 per sheet.

Clerk's Records Search & Retrieval Policy

Elections and Voter Checklists

Register to vote by submitting a voter registration form to the town clerk. When completing your application, you must include your Vermont driver’s license number on the form. If you do not have a Vermont driver’s license number or if your license is suspended, include the last four digits of your Social Security number. Be sure to take the Voter’s Oath if you have never voted in Vermont (the Oath can be self-administered and is contained on the application). Once your application is completed, you may submit the form to the town clerk via mail, fax, or email.  You may also complete the application in the town clerk's office during regular business hours, or online at the Vermont Secretary of State's secure website at

Consent of Candidate Forms
Candidate Petitions

Marriage Licenses

Marriage Licenses must be obtained from the clerk of the town you reside in (if a VT resident).  If you do not reside in Vermont but wish to be married here, you can obtain a license from any clerk in the state.  Both parties to the marriage need to be present at the time the license is issued, and a photo ID is required for each person.  The cost for a license is $80, plus $10 each for certified copies of the marriage certificate.  For more information on getting married in Vermont, visit the Vermont Department of Health's website at or click here to download their info sheet.  Marriage license application

Town Hall Rentals

The Town Hall is available for rental by groups and individuals for single-day and multiple-day events*.  Smoking is not permitted in the hall or on the premises. 

Rental fees are as follows**:

  • Non-residents - $200 per day
  • Residents - $100 per day

Contact the Town Clerk's Office to check on availability or schedule your event!

Rental Agreement

*Security deposit and certificate of insurance are required for all events.
**Rental fee may be waived for non-profit community events and resident memorial services

Solid Waste & Recycling:

Hartford Solid Waste Residential Permit Stickers for 2024-25 cost $30.00 each ($15.00 for 2nd sticker in same household) and are valid through June 30, 2025. 

Solid Waste Disposal Coupons cost $51.50 each for a punchcard of 10.  (Prices increased on September 1, 2022)

Stickers and Coupons are available for purchase in the Town Clerk's Office during regular business hours. Payment is accepted by cash, check, or credit/debit card (a 3% fee will automatically be added for credit/debit card purchases to cover transaction fees).

NOTE:  As of July 1, 2019, construction debris will no longer be accepted at the Hartford Transfer Station.  Please refer to this list for other dropoff locations.

For more information visit the websites for the Greater Upper Valley Solid Waste District (GUVSWD) or the Hartford Transfer Station.

Permits for the Lebanon Landfill are available to Pomfret residents by applying online here:  These permits are NOT available at the Town Office.

Vermont Universal Recycling Law (Act 148) Information

Dog Licenses:

All dogs and wolf-hybrids, 6 months of age or older, must be licensed with the Town Clerk each year on or before April 1st. A current rabies certificate is needed for each animal.  2025 License Form

Cost on or before April 1st – Spayed/Neutered $11.00Unaltered $15.00
Cost after April 1st - Spayed/Neutered $13.00Unaltered $19.00

Pomfret Dog Ordinance

Land Posting

Hunting, fishing or trapping on properly posted land is illegal. Properly posted land will have records filed with the Town Clerk and the Fish & Wildlife Department. See Title 10, V.S.A., Sections 5201 to 5206.

To be properly posted land:

    • The owner or the person who has exclusive rights to fish, hunt and trap on the land will post the signs.
    • The owner or person posting the land shall annually record the posting at the Town Clerk’s office for a fee of $5.00
    • Signs must be not less than 11 inches wide by 8 1/2 inches high in size
    • Lettering and background on the signs must be of contrasting colors
    • The signs must contain the wording that hunting, fishing or trapping or any combination of the three are prohibited or forbidden
    • Signs are valid even if additional information is on the sign, as long as a reasonable person would understand that hunting, fishing or trapping are prohibited or forbidden
    • Legible signs must be maintained at all times and dated each year
    • Posting signs must be erected on or near all the boundaries, at each corner and not over 400 feet apart.

Posting property can be very labor intensive.  Signs must be maintained around the perimeter of the property. If a sign is missing, the land is no longer properly posted, and there is no violation when a person accesses the land.  In addition, the signs must be dated and the posting registered annually with the Town Clerk’s office.  Forms can be obtained at the Town Clerk's office during regular business hours.  The fee to post land is $5 per parcel.

State Info
What Posting Means
Land Posting Fact Sheet
List of Hunting Seasons