
Norm Buchanan, Chair
Becky Fielder
Neil Lamson

Office Phone: (802) 457-3861

Fax: (802) 457-8180

Office Location and Mailing Address:
5218 Pomfret Road
North Pomfret, VT  05053

Office Hours: by appointment only


Tax Map

Pomfret's parcel map is available for viewing online at - double click on Pomfret to zoom in, then use the buttons at the left to toggle through the map layers.  Select "Parcels" and "All Imagery" to view our data overlaid on ortho photos.  The tax map is an ever-changing document that requires constant updating as properties change hands and surveys are completed.  If you have questions about your property data please feel free to contact the Listers.

Townwide Reappraisal 2022-23

The Listers contracted with Appraisal Resource Group to conduct a townwide reappraisal beginning summer 2022 and ending summer 2023.  During this time, property inspections were conducted and new values have been set for both land and buildings throughout Pomfret.  The results of the reappraisal were mailed on June 12, 2023.

2023 Reappraisal Valuations - By Owner • By Location • FINAL VALUES

Grievance Hearings

The 2024 Grievance Hearings will be held in late May.  If you wish to grieve your taxes this year, please contact Becky by email  to set up an appointment (walk-ins will not be accepted).  Hearings are held in half-hour increments either in-person or via Zoom, and property inspections will be scheduled for the days following the hearing.  Written notice must be given to the Listers no later than May 18th.  Grievance Hearings are held by appointment only.



Meeting Minutes: