Meetings and Events
Bulletin Board
Regular Meetings
- Selectboard - 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 7:00pm at the Town Office or via Zoom. See below for instructions to join by mobile phone or landline telephone.
- Planning Commission - 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00pm at the Town Office or virtually via Zoom - see PPC page for instructions AGENDA
- Library Trustees - 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00pm the Abbott Memorial Library AGENDA *Meetings may be attended in person OR via Zoom - joining instructions in the agenda
- Listers - (Regular Office hours) MW 10-12 at the Town Office or by appointment
Special Meetings and Events
- Planning Commission Hearing - Monday April 7th at 7:00pm at the Town Office. Re: Baskett Ridgeline application NOTICE
- School District Budget Results
- Town Annual Meeting Results
- Dog Licenses are due on April 1st. The cost is $11 for neutered/spayed dogs, $15 for unaltered dogs. Please send in your forms and rabies certificates today! 2025 LICENSE
If you would like to subscribe to the Pomfret email listserv (not affiliated with the Town of Pomfret), send a blank email from the address you wish to subscribe to
The 2024 Pomfret Town Annual Report is available for pickup at the Town Offices or can be downloaded here.
LAND RECORDS: The Town of Pomfret's land records are now available online! The records are free to view, but can be downloaded and printed for a small per page fee. Records can still be obtained in person by making a research appointment at the Town Office.
Selectboard Meeting Information: You can join the regular Selectboard meetings virtually:
- Join Zoom Meeting via Computer or Smartphone Click to start or join a scheduled Zoom meeting
- Join Zoom Meeting via Mobile Phone +19292056099,,95395079923#,,#,306922#
- Join Zoom Meeting via Landline or Mobile Phone Dial +1 301 715 8592, followed by the Meeting ID: 953 9507 9923 and Password: 306922
When joining, you’ll be asked to identify yourself for the recording. If you join the meeting and don’t immediately hear anything, then don’t worry — attendees will be admitted one at a time so that the meeting isn’t interrupted.
Property Taxes:
FY2025 (July 2024 - June 2025)
1st installment: Friday August 16, 2024 by 2:30pm
2nd installment: Friday February 7, 2025 by 2:30pm
Interest on overdue taxes will be charged at 1% per month. All delinquent taxes will be subject to an 8% penalty after the second installment due date in accordance with Vermont Statutes (32 V.S.A. § 1674). This penalty is voted on by the voters at Town Meeting and is not alterable by appeal to the Tax Collector.
Dog Licenses: All dogs and wolf-hybrids, 6 months of age and older, must be licensed with the Town Clerk each year on or before April 1st. A current rabies certificate is needed for each animal. The rates for licenses before April 1st are $11 for neutered/spayed dogs, $15 for unaltered dogs. After April 1st the fees increase to $13 for neutered/spayed dogs, $19 for unaltered dogs. The license form may be downloaded here and mailed in to the Town Clerk's office with payment and a copy of the up-to-date rabies certificate.
LANDFILL INFO: Hartford Transfer Station coupons are available for $51.50 per 10-punch card. The price for the Hartford permit stickers is $30 for the first vehicle, and $15 for each additional vehicle per household. 2024-25 Permit stickers are available for purchase at the Town Office during regular business hours (MWF 8:30-2:30) and are valid through June 30, 2025. NOTE: As of July 1, 2019, construction debris will no longer be accepted at the Hartford Transfer Station. Please refer to this list for other dropoff locations. Permits for the Lebanon Landfill are available to Pomfret residents by applying online here: These permits are NOT available at the Town Office.
Tax Map: Pomfret's parcel map is available for viewing online at - double click on Pomfret to zoom in, then use the buttons at the left to toggle through the map layers. Select "Parcels" and "All Imagery" to view our data overlaid on ortho photos.
Used Battery Disposal: There is a small box outside the door at the Town Offices for collection of spent batteries, 11V and smaller (no medical equipment or car or mower batteries, please!), including button style and lithium. For other battery collection locations, sponsored by GUVSWD - click here.